Selasa, 19 Mei 2009


April 2009
Date: 01.04.09
Music Theory
Today was interesting. We added lyrics to our compositions/melody. We were also thought about the scales and their sharps. I didnt really understand at first but Mr.John helped me and now i understand.
Instrument Class/Violin
During this session, we didnt do much. We only practiced the G Major Scale and that was pretty much it.
Date: 08.04.09
Music Theory
Today, Mr.John checked our homework given from last week's music class. We were told to make a composition of 16 bars in the format of A A' B A'. I didnt find it as a challenging task. I think my composition sounds good but a little weird also.
Instrument Class/Violin
Instrment class was same as always. Mr.Sadrakh called each one of us to play the song we learnt at home and that was it. I felt bored.
Date: 15.04.09
Theory Class
Today, we were told how to download the Finale software from the internet. We need Finale because we need to make our composition in the computer. Mr.John tried explaining but he had difficulties. Mr.Al decided to help Mr.John.
Instrument Class/Violin
We didnt do anything this session. It was so boring as always but me and my friends played the ABC game which was entertaining.
Date: 22.04.09
Theory Class
Today, Mr.John explained more about Finale. He taught us how we can put notes,rests,and etc. He's a very nice teacher :-)
Instrument Class/Violin
Today we didnt do much. We practiced playing our compositions. That's pretty much it. I didnt find much difficulties while practicing.
Date: 29.04.09
Theory Class
Today I submitted my soft copy of my composition to Mr.John through my usb. I will submit my hard copy in next week's session. Most of my friends didnt bring their softcopies and Mr.Herry got upset.
Instument Class/Violin
We practiced our compositions. I was getting better. Mr.John helped me put chords in my melodies because Mr.Sadrakh was helping my other friends.

May 2009
Date: 06.05.09
Theory Class
Today Mr.John taught us about major scales and the sharps. We were also taught about how we can put chords into our melodies with Finale. I didnt really understand so I decided to ask help from my friend.
Instrument Class/Violin
We were asked to play the song we practiced learning at home. I played a song from Suzuki 2 and Mr.Sadrakh wasnt satisfied.
Date: 13.05.09
Theory Class
Today we practiced our singing skills. It was interesting. Each instrument group were asked to sing the notes written on the white board and apparently our violin group did the best ;-)
Instrument Class/Violin
We practiced our composition then some of us were asked to perform in front of the class.

Selasa, 28 April 2009

January 2009

Date: 21.01.09
Music theory
Since it was our first theory class, we were asked to pick which instrument we would like to play. Mr.John Lego gave few choices to the class, which were: Violin, Piano, Guitar, Flute or Vocal. I chose to join the Violin class because it was the instrument i knew how to handle most.We were also asked to form groups of 5 for an Asian Music Presentation. I was one team with Jacklin, Karin, Sarah, Jordi, and Jesslyn.
Instrument Class/Violin
For this week's instrument class, we had free time. Not exactly free time, but we weren't given any task to work on. The session quickly finished and we were dismissed.
Date: 28.01.09
Music Theory

Today, me and my group for the Asian Music Presentation (Jacklin, Karin, Sarah, Jordi, Jesslyn) presented what we've been working on about Japanese Music. I helped research about Japan's traditional instruments because that was the part i was chosen to work on. It went very well and it was a success. Mr.Peter and Mr.Tommy also came to observe and listen to our presentations. After the presentations, Mr.Peter tested our listening skills and asked questions to my classmates.
Instrument Class/Violin
Today, we didn't have Instrument Class because we ran out of time for the presentations.

February 2009


Music Theory
Today, we were taught about major scales, something very important in music. Mr.John Lego explained alot of things about it. He also taught about how we can create the next major sclaes by adding sharps and flats to it. I had difficulties understanding the complicated things Mr.John was explaining, but thanks to him, now I understand better than ever.
Instrument Class/Violin
We didnt do much today. Each of us were just asked to play a song from Suzuki. I played a song from Suzuki 2.
Date: 11.02.09
Music Theory

Firs thing today, we reviewed the "Learning & Task Plan Guide". Then, we discussed about our next assessment which will be an individual booklet about Japanese Music. I will provide as many information as possible to be able to hit a good score. Next, we made outlines for the main parts of our booklet which were; The Introduction, Content, Conclusion and Reference. Last but not least, we practiced singing Silver Moon Boat.
Instrument Class/Violin
Today, I didnt really do much. I was waiting for my turn to show what I've praticed at home but there wasnt enough time to do so. I basically didnt do anything today in Violin Class.
Date: 18.02.09
Music Theory

Today, me and my friends practiced singing the Chinese song. By next week, we should either memorize it in English or Chinese.
Instrument Class/Violin
During instrument class, I showed what I've been working on at home.
Date: 25.02.09
Music Theory

Today, I had my assessment. We needed to sing the Chinese song in front of our class. We also studied for next week's written test.
Instrument Class/Violin
We didn't have instrument class because we ran out of time.

March 2009

Date: 04.03.09
Music Theory
Today, we had a written test about Asian Music and Major Scales.
Mr.Peter came to observe our class. I did well with the Major Scales, but I didnt do a really good job with the Asian Music part.
Instrument Class/Violin
Today, we weren't given any tasks to work on. We just played and had fun in Instrument Class.
Date: 11.04.09
Music Theory
Today, Mr. John taught our class about Pentatonic scales. We made our own compositions as well.
Instrument class/Violin
I played my song from suzuki during instrument class.

Conclusion for Term 3
This term, I learnt alot of new things in Music Class. Most especially about Asian Music. I studied and researched about it. It was enjoyable because I personally enjoy projects better than tests. I also learnt alot of theories such as the chords and etc. It was all very useful. I found the theories hard and difficult at first but now i understand them. Instrument class was okay because I didnt learn anything new. Next time, I would like to take the piano instrument class because the violin class is getting a bit boring. I'm really satisfied with how this term is coming to an end.

Grace Gunawan 7C - Binus School Simprug

Aliya, Athina, Editha, Jacklin, Jordi, Karin, Katya, Nabila, Nadira, Nanis, Sarah, Shelia